in esposizione presso i rivenditori autorizzati
- camilla
- rovere juta e nebbia spatolato
- rivenditore X

A romantic and sweet view that blends in with the harmonious silhouettes and volumes of classic design. A large timeless kitchen, capable of creating the warm and enveloping atmosphere of an embrace.
Atena, the ideal meeting place for your family.
The elegant essence of walnut seduces the admirers of classic style kitchens. With its classic flavour, it boasts several elements of style, functionality and aesthetic value.
The kitchen area includes the living room with its larder units embellished by the upper windows ant the lower baskets.
The beauty of tradition, the convenience of modern technologies.
Wood plays the starring role and creates warm atmospheres that can stir your emotions.
History finds continuity in new generations; with Atena, you can rediscover ancient flavours.
Gruppo Turi srl
70026 Modugno (BA) Italy
Via Vigili del Fuoco caduti in Servizio, 6
p. iva 03692800729
Tel. +39 080 5897111