in esposizione presso i rivenditori autorizzati
- camilla
- rovere juta e nebbia spatolato
- rivenditore X

LEA fully expresses its solidity and authenticity in versatile and original layouts to sail towards new domestic horizons.
Embellished by the handle grip incorporated into the double frame, it makes kitchen settings functional and concurrently elegant.
Lea brings out its contemporary allure in the living room too, with wall units fitted next to open-fronted sheet metal elements.
The simplicity of white comes together with the brown oxide of the stoneware top made by Laminam, produced using natural raw materials only and processed using state-of-the-art technologies.
For optimum, even lighting, Mobilturi recommends the use of the Solaris under wall unit LED lights which can be teamed with the Linero MosaiQ profile to accommodate accessories such as the kitchen roll dispenser and the jar shelf with retainer rail.
Notice the Giostra “L” System between the wall-mounted composition and the tall units, featuring titanio finish structure and shelves.
Gruppo Turi srl
70026 Modugno (BA) Italy
Via Vigili del Fuoco caduti in Servizio, 6
p. iva 03692800729
Tel. +39 080 5897111