in esposizione presso i rivenditori autorizzati
- camilla
- rovere juta e nebbia spatolato
- rivenditore X

It is the triumph of Italian excellence, in timeless classic style with a scent of history and rediscovered values. Furnishing solutions that can stand the test of time, crafted with painstaking care for details and sartorial skill.
Olimpia is material tinged with poetry.
Compositions that reinterpret tradition, renovating it wisely, yet retaining its unique distinguishing traits.
Olimpia stands for class, pureness and magnificence.
Precious details; constant dialogue between appearance and functionality where elegance is a sensual triumph, an unexpected synonym for practicality.
Doors, frames and capitals, finely carved and decorated, make this composition precious, concealing at the same time a functional design, capable of exploiting every space with elegance.
The made in Italy fully lived through the ancient traditions and techniques: panel doors, frosted and polished glass, antiqued handles and retro appliances.
The attention to quality and detail is painstaking, because good food stems from quality ingredients and from the cook’s passion and care. For a unique dish in which every flavour enhances the taste.
Gruppo Turi srl
70026 Modugno (BA) Italy
Via Vigili del Fuoco caduti in Servizio, 6
p. iva 03692800729
Tel. +39 080 5897111